2021/8/4 on Sale

フィッシュマンズ – King Master George


Fishmansは、レゲエ、ダブ、ロックステディを基調に、ロック、ファンク、ヒップホップなどの要素を溶け込ませた、ハイブリッドなサウンドが特徴的な孤高のバンド。 唯一無二のボーカルで曲作りの中心であった佐藤伸治が1999年に早逝してしまったが、上白石萌音がFishmansの代表曲「いかれたBABY」をカバーするなど、21世紀に入ってなお多くのミュージシャン、クリエイター、新世代リスナーからの熱い愛を集め続けている。 オリジナルメンバーで現東京スカパラダイスオーケストラのドラマー・茂木欣一らが佐藤伸治の楽曲を鳴らし続け、また動画配信、サブスクリプション・サービスによって、新たな感覚でフィッシュマンズの音楽を楽しむファンが国内外に広がっている。


Artist Profile

Fishmans is a very unique and distinctive band in Japan. Their music is influenced by reggae, dub and rocksteady. They blend elements of rock, funk and hip hop as well. The result is very special and the sounds are uniquely hybrid.
Lead singer Shinji Sato was the group’s principal songwriter and he was an amazing front man and vocalist like no other, but he unfortunately passed away in 1999.
After his death many famous artists in Japan covered their signature song ‘Ikareta Baby’ and many other musicians, creators and listener’s of new generations keep loving their music now in the 21st century.
Kin-ichi Motegi as an original band member and the current drummer of Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra has been playing the songs made by Shinji Sato. Fishmans’ music is spread inside and outside of Japan and gains more new fans through music video distribution and subscription services. As a result of growing popularity, a 172 minute long documentary film "Movie : Fishmans" was made after being crowdfunded and it will be released in Japan from the 9th of July.



King Master George

King Master George

Pony Canyon
2LP 重量盤
5500円 (税込6050円)


今年デビュー30周年を迎えたFishmans の2ndアルバム(1992年)。窪田晴男プロデュース。2016年にKIMKENによってリマスターしたハイレゾ音源を使用した初めての180g重量盤LP2枚組。


Fishmans’ 30th anniversary! Their 2nd album was produced by Haruo Kubota. This is the first time to release as 180g vinyl LP using high-resolution audio remastered by KIMKEN in 2016.
Fishmans is a very unique and distinctive band in Japan. Their music is influenced by reggae, dub and rocksteady. They blend elements of rock, funk and hip hop as well. The result is very special and the sounds are uniquely hybrid.
Lead singer Shinji Sato was the group’s principal songwriter and he was an amazing front man and vocalist like no other, but he unfortunately passed away in 1999.
After his death many famous artists in Japan covered their signature song ‘Ikareta Baby’ and many other musicians, creators and listener’s of new generations keep loving their music now in the 21st century.


Side A
1. いい言葉ちょうだい
2. 誰かを捜そう
3. シーフードレストラン
4. 影ドロボウ
5. ダイビング
Side B
1. ミネラルウォーター
2. なんてったの
3. ハンバーグ
4. 100ミリちょっとの
Side C
1. 頼りない天使
2. トナカイ
3. 君だけがダイヤモンド
4. 雨男憎まれる
Side D
1. 土曜日の夜
2. 曲目紹介
3. 教育

Track List

Side A
1. Ii Kotoba Choudai
2. Dareka wo Sagasou
3. Seafood Restaurant
4. Kage Dorobou
5. Diving
Side B
1. Mineral Water
2. Nantettano
3. Hamburger Steak
4. 100mm Chotto no
Side C
1. Tayorinai Tenshi
2. Reindeer
3. Kimi Dake ga Diamond
4. Ameotoko Nikumareru
Side D
1. Doyoubi no Yoru
2. Kyokumoku Syoukai
3. Kyouiku


Fishmansは、レゲエ、ダブ、ロックステディを基調に、ロック、ファンク、ヒップホップなどの要素を溶け込ませた、ハイブリッドなサウンドが特徴的な孤高のバンド。 唯一無二のボーカルで曲作りの中心であった佐藤伸治が1999年に早逝してしまったが、上白石萌音がFishmansの代表曲「いかれたBABY」をカバーするなど、21世紀に入ってなお多くのミュージシャン、クリエイター、新世代リスナーからの熱い愛を集め続けている。 オリジナルメンバーで現東京スカパラダイスオーケストラのドラマー・茂木欣一らが佐藤伸治の楽曲を鳴らし続け、また動画配信、サブスクリプション・サービスによって、新たな感覚でフィッシュマンズの音楽を楽しむファンが国内外に広がっている。


Artist Profile

Fishmans is a very unique and distinctive band in Japan. Their music is influenced by reggae, dub and rocksteady. They blend elements of rock, funk and hip hop as well. The result is very special and the sounds are uniquely hybrid.
Lead singer Shinji Sato was the group’s principal songwriter and he was an amazing front man and vocalist like no other, but he unfortunately passed away in 1999.
After his death many famous artists in Japan covered their signature song ‘Ikareta Baby’ and many other musicians, creators and listener’s of new generations keep loving their music now in the 21st century.
Kin-ichi Motegi as an original band member and the current drummer of Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra has been playing the songs made by Shinji Sato. Fishmans’ music is spread inside and outside of Japan and gains more new fans through music video distribution and subscription services. As a result of growing popularity, a 172 minute long documentary film "Movie : Fishmans" was made after being crowdfunded and it will be released in Japan from the 9th of July.


